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Dear visitors!
We appreciate you for visiting the web-site of Siloam Center for the Blind.
It is a great honor to greet you via cyberspace.

The word 'Siloam' simply means 'sent' and the Siloam Center for the Blind is the center sent for the blind.
We are executing the project with the purpose of providing the holistic welfare for
the blind as the welfare slogan "From the cradle to the grave." However, the lifespan of
the human being is not only about the biological time. The basic model of the welfare should be
established not only by the simple biological time of the slogan 'From the cradle to the grave' but
also by the quality of the human life. Siloam Center for the Blind applies
this philosophy in providing services.

Truly, we execute various projects for the blind within the slogan 'From the cradle to the grave, '
and we cannot measure the happiness resulting from these projects. However, our center is
proud about the globally outstanding projects such a the coffee shop managed by the blind,
Cafe More, and the braille music transcription center that is enough to be world-renowned.
Besides, we also develop computer programs that print braille letters and sounds of
the screen words. Also, the Siloam Sheltered Workshop is great enough as one of world
top 5 workshop in terms of the wage.

We will reflect your comments and suggestions in implementation of our projects so please
visit our website in a frequent manner. Once more, we appreciate for your visiting.
We wil l do our best to improve social welfare for the blind.

Thank you.


Siloam Center for the Blind
  • 1717, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea
    Tel : (02)82-2-880-0500 | Fax : 82-2-887-1120 | E-mail :
    Copyright © 2004~2015 Siloam Center for the Blind All right reserved. |  Privacy Policy